
Catégorie : Last news

Partnership Agreement between PADES and PREFED

KInshasa – 23 June 2014 African Programme for Economic and Social Development has signed a partnership Agreement with the Programme Régional de Formation et d’Echanges pour le Développement (PREFED-RDC) in order to implement joint projects in the Economic and Social Development…

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World Development Indicators 2014

To access to the World Bank World Development Indicators 2014, please click here

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EU-Africa Summit 2014

The 4th Summit EU-Africa took place in Brussels on 2 – 3 April 2014. It brougth together African and EU leaders, as well as the leaders of EU and African Union institutions. To download the Summit Declaration, please click on this…

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New York: John Kerry calls for the cessation of external support for M23

The United States is very concerned by recent reports that the resumption of external assistance to rebels M23 and the collaboration with the FDLR, said U.S. Secretary of State , John Kerry , at the opening Thursday, July 25 this morning…

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Find the PADES on your favorite social networks

To maintain the connection with Internet users around the world, the PADES is currently available both as drawn with Facebook and Twitter social networks. Thank you for joining us at et Come on and let share knowlegde for a…

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Startup activities at Yesu Mobikisi Medical Center following a demand of the beneficiary population

PADES , the Kinshasa – July 24, 2013 A meeting was scheduled this morning between the administration of the medical center and nursing staff to plan activities to start next week.

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Le Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies. Photo ONU/Jenny Rockett

The Economic and Social Council debate ways to integrate social , economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development

July 12, 2013 – The Economic and Social Council concluded Friday morning ‘s debate on the operational activities of the United Nations system at the service of international cooperation for development by adopting by consensus a resolution on the issue. It…

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PADES Welcomes Ms. Phumzile Mlambo , the New UN Women Executive Director

The Executive Board of the PADES Phumzil eMlambo Ngcuka congratulated on his appointment as Executive Director of UN Women. Mrs.Phumzile is an African who stood out for his loyal services to the South African people. After several times Minister in his…

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