
Catégorie : Last news


Investing in people-centred innovation and technology essential to Africa’s development

Innovation and technology can serve as a springboard for economic transformation provided they are driven by people. This was the message put forward by partners and participants at the closing of the 9th Annual African Economic Conference (AEC), which ran from…

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Innovation: The new currency for emergence in Africa

Across Africa, many nations are aspiring to become emerging countries. Beyond growth, they want to transform and diversify their economies, rapidly improve the standards of living of their people, and assert internationally their economic and political clout. As participants in the…

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PADES’ Executive Director has launched the Congolese Food Bank on World Food Day

Kinshasa-  16 October 2014. Today, World Food Day is celebrated worldwide.  African Programme for Economic and Social Development’s Executive Director took this opportunity to launch the First Food Bank from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, that will contribute to eradicate hunger. Knowing that…

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PADES’ Executive Director to appoint a Special Representative for European Union

Kinshasa- 14 October 2014. PADES’ Executive Director has appointed yesterday 13 October 2014 Etienne TCHAMULUBANDA as Special Representative for European Union. Acting like that, Etienne has authorisation to contact, on behalf of PADES, the European Union Commission and its States members…

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PADES accredited to attend the World Bank and IMF 2014 Annual Meetings

Kinshasa-Washington, DC. 30 September 2014 The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund had acrredited PADES to attend their 2014 Annual Meetings to be held in Washington, DC., from 6 -12 October 2014. PADES Executive Direction is gratefull from the trust…

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Update on the Ebola Virus Desease in DRC

The Ebola Virus Desease has killed 41 people in Equateur Province, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Please find attached an update provided by United Nations Agencies in that Country. Please download here.

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Recruitment of Board Members

PADES is hiring its Board Members. You are a men or women with more than 10 years of experience in national or international development in Africa or worldwide; you have experience of leading international organizations or public institutions in your home…

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Global Innovation Index Report 2014

The core Global Innovation Index Report consist  of a ranking of world economies’ innovation capabilities and results.The 2014 GII report was launched on July 18 in Sidney, Australia. Most of African countries innovations are note included in this report, such as…

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Recruitment of PADES’ Focal Points

PADES is recruiting Focal Points in the following countries: Burundi, Mali, Chad, Gabon, Togo, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Central African Republic, Benin, Cameroon, South Africa, Guinea, Morocco, Algeria, Angola, Ghana, Liberia, Djibouti, Somalia,…

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Adress change

From July 1st, 2014, the PADES NGO change his location. Our office has moved to 38, Kimvula, avenue, CEBCO Lingalaphone Church, Commune of Kintambo, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

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