
PADES has joined the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development


PADES has joined the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development

The Executive Director of PADES has the pleasure to announce that PADES has joined the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development administered by the World Bank in Washington, DC.

The Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development (GFLJD) is  a permanent global forum that seeks to connect experts and stakeholders from  around the world, and provides a mechanism for continual and efficient  knowledge exchange and for the cogeneration of innovative solutions to  development challenges based on efficiency, equity and justice. The GFLJD is  supported by an advanced technological platform

Initiated by the World Bank in 2010, the  GFLJD  was lauchend in November 2011. The key objectives of the GFLJD are:


  • To strengthen and promote a better understanding  of the role of law and justice for a sustainable development through structured  North-South and South-South dialogue.
  • To better integrate legal and judicial  institutions in the development process to increase development effectiveness.
  • To encourage the cogeneration of innovative  legal solutions to development issues.
  • To support knowledge dissemination by a free  access, use and sharing of legal solutions to development challenges

On 24 October 2014, PADES has signed the Letter of Endorsment that could be downloaded here :  PADES letter is number 3 in the list of 162 GFLJD partners.

To contact the Global Forum :

GFLJD Secretariat  

c/o The  World Bank   1818 H Street,

NW   Washington D.C.  20433   Mail stop  MC6-607  


Website :

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